Opening Ceremony


Date: 1 September 2022

The opening ceremony was held to kick off a new academic year. The school welcomed all teachers and students back to school after the summer break. The day started with a prayer and this year’s theme hymn《Love for Love》, which reminded us of God’s love and mercy. The principal delivered a speech at which she expressed her feelings of gratitude towards the higher percentage of S6 students receiving university offers. She also emboldened the students to face challenges ahead with God’s strength and have meaningful learning experiences that might help that might help understand our country and the world better. Using the school motto she also encouraged students to live a meaningful life.

Shortly thereafter, certificates for ‘Outstanding Result in the HKDSE 2022’ were awarded to our alumnae Yuki Hui and Kate Chan. Yuki gave a compendious speech about the tips for achieving academic success. She emphasized that building motivation provided her with inspiration to set goals and complete tasks, and identifying her strengths and weaknesses enabled her to know what she could excel at to aim higher and achieve much more.